Drogi Kursancie,

Jestem przekonana, że nauka języków obcych to niesamowita przygoda, która może otworzyć przed Tobą wiele nowych możliwości. Dlatego zachęcam Cię do zrobienia testu językowego, który pomoże Ci określić Twój obecny poziom w języku angielskim. Niezależnie od tego, czy jesteś początkującym, czy masz już pewne umiejętności, ten test pomoże Ci dostosować kurs do Twoich potrzeb.

Po zrobieniu testu i sprawdzeniu wyniku będziesz miał pełen obraz swojego poziomu językowego. To oznacza, że kurs będzie dla Ciebie bardziej efektywny i dostosowany do Twoich indywidualnych potrzeb. Nie musisz się obawiać - test jest całkowicie bezpłatny i niezobowiązujący.

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Test plasujący z języka angielskiego

Przygotuj kartkę i długopis! Przed Tobą 50 pytań zamkniętych oraz uzupełnienie tekstu 10 słowami. Co daje w sumie 60 pól do uzupełnienia. Zalecam uzupełnienie maksymalnej ilości zdań niezależnie od Twojego poziomu.

Po rozwiązaniu testu proszę sprawdź poprawność odpowiedzi według klucza, który znajduje się pod testem.

Test leksykalno-gramatyczny

Proszę uzupełnij poniższe zdania odpowiednim słowem lub zwrotem. W każdym zdaniu możliwa jest tylko jedna poprawna odpowiedź.

Sprawdź odpowiedzi według zamieszczonego pod testem klucza.

Za każdą dobrze podaną odpowiedź policz jeden punkt.

Dodaj wszystkie punkty, podsumuj ilość uzyskanych punktów i określ swój poziom znajomości języka.

1. ____ you know how to make presentations?

A. Can

B. Are

C. Were

D. Do

2. Why ____ you leave your previous job?

A. did

B. have

C. are

D. do

3. “This is Mark speaking. I ____ Maria today because she is ill.”

A. replaced

B. am replacing

C. replace

D. was replacing

4. We _____.

A. usually have meetings once a month

B. have usually meetings once a month

C. have meetings usually once a month

D. have usually once a month meetings

5. ‘The Wealth of Nations’ ____ by Adam Smith.

A. wrote

B. is written

C. was written

D. has been written

6. Mr Kruger did not get the job because he ____ up late for the interview.

A. came

B. arrived

C. turned

D. was

7. You ____ get a visa to travel to Germany – a valid passport is enough.

A. must not

B. do not must

C. have not to

D. do not have to

8. As a manager, I am ____ fifty staff in my department.

A. responsible to

B. in charge of

C. liable for

D. deal with

9. “This is Peter Greenfield from Genie Ltd. Can you ____ Jane Daly in the Sales?”

A. send me to

B. put me through to

C. transfer to

D. call to

10. Have you seen ________ report our manager is talking about?

A. a

B. some

C. any

D. the

11. We have been active in this market ____ five years.

A. since

B. from

C. for

D. by

12. Let’s meet at 5:30, I ______________ work by then.

A. will have finished

B. will finish

C. will be finishing

D. am finishing

13. I feel very ____ in my job because my boss is very demanding.

A. stress

B. stressed

C. stressful

D. stressing

14. If you ____ hard, you can get a promotion in six months.

A. are going to work

B. will work

C. will be working

D. work

15. Most of the projects we work on have very tight ___.

A. terms

B. deadlines

C. dates

D. plans

16. We _____ a lot of interesting contacts at the trade fair last week.

A. made

B. make

C. have made

D. had made

17. She ____ to make an appointment before she arrived.

A. forget

B. forgot

C. has forgotten

D. had forgotten

18. If we ____ 10% of administrative staff, we would save 100,000€ next year.

A. dismiss

B. dismissed

C. will dismiss

D. have dismissed

19. Dealing ____ paperwork is very time-consuming when you are a sole trader.

A. by

B. about

C. with

D. to

20. I come to the office and leave when I want – I ____.

A. have fixed working hours

B. have changeable working hours

C. work flexitime

D. work antisocial hours

21. Information technology is a very ____ business nowadays.

A. profitable

B. profit

C. profitability

D. non-profit

22. The labour costs in Europe are much higher ____ in Asia.

A. like

B. as

C. then

D. than

23. They asked us ____ postpone their payment.

A. if

B. to

C. -

D. that

24. I can't come at 5 o'clock because I ____ a customer and I can't cancel it.

A. meet

B. am meeting

C. will meet

D. will have met

25. We usually ____ within 48 hours from the moment the order is placed.

A. come

B. transport

C. deliver

D. fetch

26. I will start with a(n) ___ of my presentation.

A. overview

B. list

C. menu

D. contents

27. The software we use hardly ever crashes – it is very ____.

A. user-friendly

B. reliable

C. resistant

D. practical

28. We ____ our trade partners about the delay in processing orders.

A. said

B. told

C. reported

D. spoke

29. I just wish I ____ with my manager in the same room – it's so stressful.

A. didn't work

B. couldn't work

C. don't work

D. shouldn't work

30. We are sorry but we haven't looked into your complaint ____.

A. already

B. still

C. yet

D. since

31. We are going to have a party in our company as Mr Foster, our CEO, has decided _____.

A. on retiring

B. get retired

C. retire

D. to retire

32. “Mrs Goldberg is not at the office at the moment. ____?”

A. Can you take a message?

B. Can I take a message?

C. Would you like me to call her back?

D. Would you like her to call me back?

33. “I'm not sure if we have enough in stock. I'll speak to the warehouse and call you_______.”

A. forward

B. in return

C. back

D. up

34. From your CV I can see that you have a lot of ____ in this field.

A. experience

B. qualifications

C. references

D. education

35. Due to a technical fault, we had to ____ one of our products from the market.

A. retake

B. replace

C. take away

D. withdraw

36. We would like to sell more of our product next year to increase our ____.

A. stock in the market

B. market share

C. part of the market

D. bit of the market

37. People come and go all the time in their company so they have to ____ people all the time.

A. recruit

B. dismiss

C. promote

D. lay off

38. We are looking forward _________ at the conference in Munich next year.

A. to meeting you

B. to meet you

C. meeting you

D. to your meeting

39. “Flight LX 1371 to Basel is now ____. Passengers are requested to proceed to gate 6.”

A. taking off

B. landing

C. boarding

D. cancelled

40. PTX Computers wants to ____ New IT, its competitor.

A. monopolise

B. acquire

C. sell

D. invest

41. The company ____ James if he hadn't leaked its secret.

A. wouldn't fired

B. wouldn't fire

C. wouldn't have fired

D. wouldn't have been firing

42. ___________ being very expensive, our competitor’s product was not very good quality.

A. Unless

B. Although

C. However

D. In spite of

43. We discovered that he was wasting time when he ___ customers.

A. should have been visiting

B. should visit

C. should have visited

D. should be visited

44. We can't find the documents anywhere – they _____.

A. must destroyed

B. must have destroyed

C. must have been destroyed

D. must have been destroying

45. I asked John to help me with the project, but he __________.

A. denied

B. doubted

C. rejected

D. refused

46. By this time next year the company ____ enough people to open a new factory.

A. will train

B. will have trained

C. will be training

D. will have been training

47. It's no use _________ for change in this department – you have to toe the line.

A. fighting

B. to fight

C. being fought

D. to be fought

48. My boss asked me if I __________ the latest sales figures.

A. had seen

B. saw

C. would see

D. have

49. At the end of each year we hold staff appraisal____ in all departments.

A. parties

B. groupings

C. gatherings

D. meetings

50. We'll improve our customer service, ____ will help us to win back the UK market.

A. what

B. which

C. why

D. how

Rozumienie tekstu pisanego

Uzupełnij tekst jednym słowem

Interviewing a candidate for a position that (51) ____ just become vacant is no easy task, as any HR manager can tell. With the abundance of books such as "Job interviews for dummies", "Job interviews made easy", "Commonly Asked Job Interview Questions (with Key)" and a plethora of other how-to's, the interviewers (52) ____ easily predict what they will hear from some 80% of candidates who have taken pains to memorize the book wisdom, hoping to impress prospective employers with set phrases like "I have good communicative skills". A good interview question might then (53) ____ indeed a million dollar question, especially when recruiting (54) ____ top-level management positions. Sadly enough, many interviewers have been in their HR-related jobs for so (55) ____ and have spoken to so many candidates that they seem to have lost the faculty of being creative and original, resorting to "safe" and typical topics like the candidate's (56) ____ experience, strengths and weaknesses, achievements and failures, why did you decide to leave your previous job and why do you want to work for this company. On the other (57) ____ , there are those Catbert-like, malicious types who, just like the Inquisition, derive immense satisfaction from seeing a candidate nervously fidgeting on the chair, with panic (58) ____ their eyes, trying to comment in German on a random quotation from Einstein's Mein Weltbildthat the evil interviewer had put in front of them and asked "What do you think about it?". Instead of waiting for old and new management gurus to come up with a new set of "principles" and "guidelines" for interviewers, perhaps those (59) ____ for staff recruitment should simply start using their common sense. Is it really rocket science to forget about "What qualifications do you have?" (it's in the bloody CV, for heaven's sake) and ask "What would you do if..."? (60) ____ Mr Big Name in HR have to write a learned article in a prestigious Journal for Fundamental HR Issues before the truth about the uselessness of "Why did you leave your previous job?" can be revealed to the world? No. It's just enough to ask the right questions.

Klucz Odpowiedzi

1. D

2. A

3. B

4. A

5. C

6. C

7. D

8. B

9. B

10. D

11. C

12. A

13. B

14. D

15. B

16. A

17. D

18. B

19. C

20. C

21. A

22. D

23. B

24. B

25. C

26. A

27. B

28. B

29. A

30. C

31. D

32. B

33. C

34. A

35. D

36. B

37. A

38. A

39. C

40. B

41. C

42. D

43. A

44. C

45. D

46. B

47. A

48. A

49. D

50. B

51. has

52. can / may / might

53. be

54. for

55. long

56. past / previous/ work

57. hand

58. in

59. responsible

60. Does / Will


0-8 punktów – kwalifikujesz się na poziom A1

9-15 punktów – kwalifikujesz się na poziom A2

16-30 punktów – kwalifikujesz się na poziom B1

31-45 punktów – kwalifikujesz się na poziom B2

46-60 punktów – kwalifikujesz się na poziom C1

Opinie Kursantów

"Szybki i dokładny sposób na ocenę umiejętności!"
„Test kompetencji języka angielskiego okazał się idealnym narzędziem do oceny moich umiejętności. Dzięki precyzyjnej analizie mojego poziomu językowego, lektorzy mogli dostosować program nauczania do moich indywidualnych potrzeb. To sprawiło, że każda lekcja była skuteczna i efektywna. Polecam każdemu, kto szuka profesjonalnego podejścia do nauki języka!” – Aleksandra K.

"Skuteczny test z języka angielskiego!"
„Test był dla mnie świetnym doświadczeniem. Pomógł mi dokładnie określić mój poziom językowy i zidentyfikować obszary do poprawy. Dzięki temu mogłem skoncentrować się na konkretnej nauce, co przyspieszyło mój rozwój językowy. Gorąco polecam!” – Kamil P.

"Wszechstronny test, który pokazuje rzeczywisty poziom!"
„Dzięki testowi języka angielskiego dowiedziałam się, jak rzeczywiście radzę sobie z językiem. To sprawiło, że moja nauka stała się bardziej skuteczna i ukierunkowana. Gorąco polecam!” – Marta W.

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